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Interested in adding math to your teaching credential? Join our program for additional support and to network with others with the same goal. Take courses together at Sac State’s College of Continuing Education and then continue on with the Math Project at Sacramento State as you get ready to take the CSET and bring your new learning into your classroom.


What's Included?

  • 12.5 hours of professional learning through the 2022-2023 school year to expand your content knowledge and pedagogy

  • personalized, ongoing support throughout the year as you prepared to take the CSET and prepare lessons

  • a sense of community with like-minded people working towards the same goal

  • reimbursement of 75% of fees associated with College of Continuing Education at Sacramento State courses that assist in passing your CSET (Math 51 and Math 52) and meet the math methods course requirement to get the credential (EDSS 376)

  • reimbursement of 100% of fees associated with taking the CSET(s), plus your credential application!

  • up to $100 reimbursement of materials to help with the CSET(s) or becoming a math teacher (e.g. workbooks, practice tests, or books)



You must already have a single subject or multiple subject credential or math authorization! You must be eligible to apply for the Foundation Level credential once you pass the CSET. If you don't already have a credential or ONLY have a Ed Specialist credential (this is a CTC requirement), you are not eligible. You can view the CTC requirements here ( If you are in a credential program and want assistance adding a single subject credential you can contact the Math and Science Teachers Initiative (MSTI) Director, Jenna Porter.

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Let us know a little bit about you, all of our workshops and office hours are tailored to your needs and background - whether you're a liberal arts teacher, science teacher, private school teacher, or brand new teacher! It only takes a few minutes, lets you skip the application process for Math 51 and Math 52 courses,  and will let us keep you informed. Register with us here!




Mathematics for Secondary Teachers: Algebra and Number Theory. This is a support course for Math CSET I

Tuesdays, Jun. 13 - Aug. 5 | 10:30am - 1:00pm

In-person @ Sac State

$740 (only $185 after reimbursement!)


Mathematics for Secondary Teachers: Geometry and Statistics. This is a support course for Math CSET II

Thursdays, Jun. 13 - Aug. 5 | 10:30am - 1:00pm

In-person @ Sac State

$740 (only $185 after reimbursement!)

Those enrolling in Math 51 or Math 52 should have a strong understanding of pre-calculus. The mathematical content focused on in these courses is a significant part of the mathematical content of subtest I and II. They are not traditional "CSET Prep" courses.


One you join the network you'll receive an invitation to formally register for Math 51 or Math 52. Want to join the network, but aren't able to take the courses? You can let us know when you register with our network.



​You will meet our network teacher-leaders (Monica Hunt, Lori Fury, and Dylan Besk) during your course as they audit the class alongside you. Once you pass the course you'll be reimbursed $555 per course!



​You can sign-up to take the CSET at any point in this process, just visit the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and pick your date. Once you pass, just send us proof to get reimbursed! CSET's are designed to be hard! We will reimburse you for up to three tries per test!



​As we said, CSET's are difficult! That's why we'll be offering special offer hours throughout the year so you can pop in and discuss any subjects or particular theories that you're struggling with before or after taking your test. We will also be offering workshops throughout the year designed to further your mathematics classroom skills and content knowledge. You will also receive free attendance to three Saturday Seminars or FOSTER workshops hosted by the Math Project. Not enough? Okay, we will also reimburse you for up to $100 of materials to help you prepare for the tests and hone your mathematics and teaching skills.


You've  passed your CSET, gained valuable knowledge, written your thank you notes to MSTI and your teacher-leaders, networked with other amazing teachers. Now what? Time to get that credential!

Take a math methods course (hosted by CCE and instructed by Monica), and then fill out your credential application. Check with us or MSTI about how to get reimbursed!

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Monica Hunt

Monica Hunt is a math teacher and advisor at the Met Sacramento High School, and teaches the Math Methods course for CSUS College of Continuing Education.  When she's not working with teachers and students, she can be found running, working on house projects, or traveling with her husband and son.


Dylan Besk

Dylan Besk taught high school English before experiencing a math epiphany while grading a stack of essays one sunny weekend. Dylan added a math authorization to her credential and has enjoyed playing with math, programming, and robotics with her students ever since. After teaching English, Math, and Engineering 7 in Sacramento City Unified School District, Dylan now supports students in multiple subjects with Gateway Community Charters.

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Lori Fury

Lori Fury has been teaching math for 15 years. She also coaches math teachers in Lincoln and at CSUS in the credential program. Her two children keep her on the baseball field and having fun when she's off work.


If you are having any problems signing up or have questions before you register please contact Debbie Dennick. If you want more information about the network itself please contact Monica Hunt.  


Sense-Making for Teachers and Students

"With an education, you have everything you need to rise above the noise and fulfill every last one of your dreams."  Michelle Obama, #LetGirlsLearn


The Mathematics Project at Sacramento State is a professional home for teachers to hone the craft of teaching embracing every student's brilliant potential and fostering every student's thinking, conjecturing, and reasoning.  We work to create access and provide support for high level mathematics for ALL students.  

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T: 916-278-5487


Want to hear more? Join our network!

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